An Overview of Yoga

Yoga, an ancient art that has been practiced for centuries, became popular in the 1960s with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who popularized Transcendental meditation (TM) in the 1960's. Yoga is the most diversified spiritual practice in the world. Many scholars believe that yoga dates back over 5,000 years to the beginning of human civilization. Scholars believe that yoga grew out of Stone Age Shamanism-because of the cultural similarities between Modern Hinduism and Mehrgarh, a neolithic settlement (in what is now Afghanistan).

Early Yoga and archaic shamanism had much in common as both sought to transcend the human condition. The primary goal of shamanism was to heal members of the community and act as religious mediators. Archaic Yoga was also community oriented, as it attempted to discern the cosmic order through inner vision, then to apply that order to daily living. Later, Yoga evolved into a more inward experience, and Yogis focused on their individual enlightenment and salvation.

There are many different places that offer yoga classes- gyms, wellness centers, even the local YMCA. But you don't have to join a class to practice yoga. It is just as easily done in your home or even at your desk while at work. Yoga can help bring you inner peace when you are stressed out. It can even help relieve the pain of headaches, backaches, and menstrual cramps.

As studies continue to reveal its many health benefits, yoga is taking the world by storm as the new fitness soul mate for workout enthusiasts. Everyone from high powered executives trying to keep a healthy heart to image conscious Hollywood stars and prominent athletes, are turning to yoga to develop balanced, injury-free muscles and spines.

However, yoga does not deal with just the physical. In fact, it is a lot more than just that. Initially, the sole purpose of practicing yoga was to experience spiritual enlightenment. In Sanskrit (the ancient language of India), yoga translates as "yoke" or "union," describing the integration of mind and body to create a greater connection with one's own pure, essential nature.

Hatha yoga is one of six branches; the others include raja, karma, bhakti, jnana, and tantra yoga. Each branch with its unique characteristics and function represents a particular approach to life.

Raja means "royal," and meditation is the focal point of this branch of yoga. This approach involves strict adherence to the eight "limbs" of yoga as outlined by Patanajli in the Yoga Sutras. Also found in many other branches of yoga, these limbs, or stages, follow this order: ethical standards, yama; self-discipline, niyama; posture, asana; breath extension or control, pranayama; sensory withdrawl, pratyahara; concentration, dharana; meditation, dhyana; and ecstasy or final liberation, samadhi.

The next branch is that of karma yoga or the path of service, and none of us can escape this pathway. The principle of karma yoga is that what we experience today is created by our actions in the past. Being aware of this, all of our present efforts become a way to consciously create a future that frees us from being bound by negativity and selfishness. Bhakti yoga describes the path of devotion. Seeing the divine in all of creation, bhakti yoga is a positive way to channel the emotions. The path of bhakti provides us with an opportunity to cultivate acceptance and tolerance for everyone we come into contact with. If we consider bhakti to be the yoga of the heart, then jnana yoga is the yoga of the mind, of wisdom, the path of the sage or scholar. This path requires development of the intellect through the study of the scriptures and texts of the yogic tradition. The jnana yoga approach is considered the most difficult and at the same time the most direct. It involves serious study and will appeal to those who are more intellectually inclined. Probably the most misunderstood or misinterpreted of all the yogas, tantra, the sixth branch, is the pathway of ritual, which includes consecrated sexuality. The key word here is "consecrated," which means to make sacred, to set apart as something holy or hallowed.

One of the most popular schools of yoga practice today is that of Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga literally means "eight limbs". These eight steps (limbs) basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. They serve as a prescription for moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline; they direct attention toward one's health; and they help us to acknowledge the spiritual aspects of our nature.

Although complimentary with most spiritual paths, yoga is not a religion and anyone, regardless or body type, age, experience, or physical abilities, can practice yoga.

Personal Training Fitness Schools in America

Find Personal Training Fitness Schools in the United States and Canada. In less than a year's time, candidates enrolled in personal training fitness schools can earn certification to become a professional personal fitness trainer either for purposes of self improvement, or to coach others to become better physically equipped for overall health and wellness.
General studies in personal training fitness schools involve education in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, pathology, and principles of business. Typically, hands-on instruction in personal training fitness schools entails healthy dietary guidelines, exercise program design, personal training, metabolism and how food fuel is used for energy; supplements, vitamins and minerals; energy balancing, muscle testing and analysis of both upper and lower extremities, and various massage techniques, among others.
While personal training fitness schools vary in course duration, generally many of these health programs are approximately 250 hours in length, and cover CPR and first aid as a basic part of the education.
In general, graduates of personal training fitness schools earn a certificate or diploma of completion; however, they are also eligible to take the NSCA-CPT certification test to become certified personal trainers.
In addition to becoming fitness instructors, successful candidates who have acquired satisfactory education from one of several personal training fitness schools and who have achieved certification, can also work as entrepreneurs in the field and open private aerobic clinics and fitness centers. Additionally, experienced fitness trainers can opt to work at spa resorts, alongside major sports teams or at sporting events, health clubs, or other physical therapy facilities.
Personal trainers and exercise instructors earn a respectful living. In fact, ambitious candidates can earn well over $55,000 annually. So what's stopping you from moving forward with your career aspirations?
If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding personal training fitness schools, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Advantages of Using an Elliptical Machine When Working Out

Using an elliptical machine when working out offers a number of benefits. It provides the user with a low impact way to get a good workout to keep fit, lose weight or improve their cardiovascular health. It's perfect for people who get impact related injuries and aging fitness enthusiasts who may suffer from pain in their joints and tendons. And even those who are rehabilitating themselves from injury, the improved blood circulation helps to speed up recovery. Which is also why many elite athletes use them as well. And besides, the smooth can make exercising and working out much more pleasant and fun.

Elliptical machines are a popular item at local health clubs, but many people will buy one for home use as well as they're very easy to use, requires very little maintenance (if any), and can be easily stored away when not being used. Having a machine at home allows them to get a workout whenever the mood hits them, there's no more getting dressed up and driving down to the gym. The higher end models have a computer control board which easily allows you to set different resistance levels, monitors your heart rate, number of calories expended, etc.

Low Impact Cardiovascular Workouts Creates Less Stress For Your Body

Just about every form of aerobic exercise can help to improve your heart and cardiovascular health. The important thing is to raise your heart rate in order to make it work harder, this helps to strengthen your heart muscle. However, some people find that high impact activity such as jogging is to hard on their bodies, particularly the joints and tendons, and that they're unable to do the workouts regularly.

These types of machines uses a smoother more elliptical movement for a much gentler workout. For instance, many senior citizens and rehab patients find them extremely useful as they can still improve their cardiovascular health and improve fitness levels while minimizing the chance of injury. For those who are at a high risk of impact type of injuries, but want a total body workout, there are different types of machines available that will allow them to obtain maximum results while reducing amount of stress on their body. Many elliptical machines work both the upper and lower body at the same time and can be very efficient.

Elliptical Machines Are Easy To Use

Elliptical machines can be used by virtually anyone regardless of their skill level or age. Once the user begins pedaling they are in complete control. The user sets the resistance level, but the intensity is totally up to you, you can go as hard or easy as you feel like, making it ideal for people who want a great workout without any hassle or inconvenience. You can even do it while watching your favorite TV show, or while watching the kids.

Variety of Workouts

Some machines offer a lower body workout while others have the capability to workout both the lower and upper body simultaneously thus being very efficient and burning more calories, which often means less time spent working out. Some users are only interested in working the muscles in the lower body only therefore, they'll omit the use of the handlebars and focus only on pedaling. Another advantage of an elliptical trainer includes the reversibility of the foot pedals. Switching from backward to forward motions can target different groups of muscles.

Some users prefer to workout lightly only slightly elevating their heart rate. While others prefer a more intense workout and go harder when working out, burning more calories and conditioning and toning as many parts of the body as possible in a shorter period of time. One of the great things about using this type of machine is that it enables users to set their own limits regarding the intensity of their workout.

Losing Weight

Aerobic exercising is an extremely efficient way to increase your metabolism and burn fat to help with managing your weight. When you workout your metabolism is raised and you burn off more calories, however your metabolism can stay elevated and burning off more fat for several hours even after ending your session. Physical activity also suppresses the urge to eat. And while any type of aerobic exercise will do the trick many people find that using an elliptical machine while performing exercises makes the workout more pleasant and end up doing it more often for a longer period of time.

Cardiovascular Health

Maintaining good cardiovascular health is important to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes especially as you grow older. Conditioning and strengthening the heart muscles is a good way to help to maintain good cardiovascular health. Aerobic workouts using an elliptical machine can help to strengthen the heart muscles and minimize the risks of health problems. Senior citizens often find that their bodies can't take the pounding of weight bearing workouts day in and day out and will often use elliptical equipment when working out.

Is an elliptical machine right for you? It's easy enough to find out, just visit the local health club or a sporting goods store and try one out before deciding. If it's something that you and your family will put to use consider getting one for your home. Look for a heavy duty model if you plan to use it frequently, they'll stand up to years of abuse. Also if you plan to store it out of the way when not in use look for one with wheels underneath that can be easily rolled away.

Why Nutrition Is The Key, But Fitness Is Most Important

When you say the word diet what comes to your mind?

The top pick is probably eating the right foods day in and day out. Although this is a great idea, and it's what every bodybuilder or Personal Training enthusiast should be doing, it only addresses one part of the equation.

What is the other part of total fitness & health?

Well, to tell you the truth without this, dieting wouldn't do you any good. This is more important as far as health and well being even more so than having a perfect diet. A planned cardiovascular exercise and weight training program could be the key to your success and continued motivation. When you are working out daily this increases your motivation ten fold.

After you get done with a hard workout are you going to go to the kitchen and have a pint of rocky road ice cream with a piece of cheesecake on the side, I don't think so.

When you put all of that effort into a workout or Personal Training you will obviously want to capitalize on the workout and continue its benefits by eating optimal foods throughout the day. A great idea would be to put a note or poster on your fridge/pantry that says "Is is worth it", or something to that effect. This will really make you think twice before you go into the pantry to grab that box of twinkles and run to the couch to chow them down.

Not only does your exercise affect your belly it also affects your mood. Study after study show that consistent exercise affects your mood in a positive way. Meaning you're gonna be happier every day. Rather than the only thing to look forward to being your daily ritual of eating on the couch you're actually gonna feel good about yourself.

A recent study also showed how even those that eat healthy are still not necessarily if they don't exercise. The main factor in a person's health is if they exercise. You're internal fat can still be at a high level when you visually look thin with a shirt on.

So you can see that dieting is not just what you eat but it is also about working out. If you don't know how to workout effectively or are confused about where to even start consider getting help from a reputable personal trainer or fitness studio.

How to Answer Your Calling

Last June I received a letter from my kids national school saying they had tried to find a part-time music teacher but couldn't find one. As I read the letter I got a very strong feeling to reply and offer my services.

Now even though I've played and loved music all my life, I've never really taught it, although I've taught on many other subjects - communication skills, creativity, accelerated learning, yoga, meditation, team work, peace studies and many other topics. Also my previous teaching/training had been to adults mainly in the corporate world. It was very enjoyable in the most part, paid well but there wasn't much happening there now.

I was about to throw the letter in the bin but something within me whispered "hold on". I could have so easily thrown it in the bin thinking "I'm too busy for that and it certainly won't pay many bills! Let's leave it to someone else to teach the kids about music, I've more important things to do with my time!". That of course would have been my ego's response but my Spirit in its quiet whisper was stronger. And I am so so grateful for that.

I did muster up the courage to put my ego aside and call the Principal of the school and the response was positive. I sent her in some of my ideas and experience and she said she'd think about it. It was two months later before I heard anything and she wanted to give it a go and see what happens.

I offered to deliver two classes from 8.15am to, one for guitar and one for bodhran (Irish drum). Well the response was amazing - there were at least 30 young kids (ages 9 to 13) in the first class, noisy, excited and all over the place!!! So I thought it best to do four classes a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. That was September 2010.

Now it's June 2011 and for the past ten months that's what I've been doing and I'm glad to say I didn't miss one morning teaching these young kids how to play their instruments, how to play together, how to hold a rhythme and other important elements of music education. And also very importantly I believe, I aimed to teach them the importance of nourishing their talents and that to become good at anything takes time, patience, persistence and above all practice. Like a flower who begins as a seed and needs daily nourishment with light, water, nutrition and in time becomes what it was born to become, sharing it's perfume with those who pass its way, talent, unlike what we are often lead to believe, takes time to develop, it's not a quick fix.

Well this morning was the culmination of all our practice - we delivered three mini-concerts in the school - one for parents and two for other school kids. As I directed the kids in their outstanding performance my heart was moved beyond belief. I felt such a feeling of connection with everyone present in what seemed like infinite moments in time, infinite moments of stillness, infinite moments of peace.

It was beautiful, truly and magically beautiful. And in my book, albeit that it is great to be paid for doing this work there really is no amount of money that could surpass the fulfilling feeling I felt in my heart as these kids performed in all three mini-concerts. There really is no need for any of us adults to be concerned about the next generation, they are the wisest yet! It is such an honour to serve them.

As many of the parents came up to me after the concert to shake my hand I was deeply grateful and so glad to have heard the whisper of the universe in that letter one year ago. As Kahlil Gibran (1883-1930) said "When you were born your work was placed in your heart" Sometimes it takes a bit of time and exploring to find it but never give up looking until you discover your treasure!

I'd like to finish this post with a prayer I've written called May We Answer Our Callings

May We Answer Our Callings

May we be aware of how the universe speaks to us

May we take the time to listen, hear and feel her message

May we find the courage within to act on her blessed message

May we realise we don't need to understand her mysterious ways

And May we allow ourselves to be instruments of her divine wisdom

Building Muscle For Strength, Stamina and Explosive Power - Bodyweight Exercises!

If Henry Ford had asked people what they wanted when he decided to build the Model T, they would have told him "faster horses". Thats just the way life is. Often people only really "get" that they "need" something when its shown to them, their friends or neighbours have it, and then life simply starts looking too difficult without it.

This is where the bodyweight exercises comes in. It has proven to be one of the most flexible, adaptable and effective training programs on the planet, and has been adopted by top athletes and warriors for centuries in order to produce the results that made them great, yet its only now reaching broad appeal as it has been revealed as the secret ingredient of great training.

Two things normally need to happen before an undiscovered treasure becomes discovered. One, people need to find out about it, (and now you have) and two, it needs to be validated by movers and shakers, people who know people or are known by people as knowing their stuff - Blink, Malcolm Gladwell.

So, to satisfy social proof, enter Boxing Champion Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather, and basketball Hall of Fame Legend Michael Jordan

"Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather.. hovers within 3 or 4 pounds of his fighting weight at all times by jumping rope, playing basketball, and doing body-weight exercises twice a week."(Mens Health) Probably, the most effective type of fitness training in existence for beginners and professional athletes.

Or consider Michael Jordan. Many of you will be familiar with his story in that he was dropped from his High School Basketball team, because although he had some skills, his coach decided that he didn't have the heart, the elusive X factor that defines real champions.

What a decision! The good news is that Michael took this news like the warrior that he was and decided to reinvent himself as an invincible athlete, and to do this he realised that he needed to get some bodyweight training into his routine, to develop the explosive strength in his legs, that although necessary for everyone who engages in physical activity is absolutely essential for top flight basketball players.

Michael went into his backyard with a spade, and started digging. (While an enormously underrated strength and fitness tool, this isn't it). He knew that to build the type of explosive strength and power that he needed, he would be required to do things that other people just wouldn't do - sound familiar. This is the cornerstone of all success.

He dug a hole, climbed down into it and started springing out of the hole, mimicing the action at the net that would later make him such an incredible player. For a lot of people that's where it would end, but not Michael. After training for a few days, Michael would get out the shovel and climb back down into the hole to make it deeper, making the exercise harder and galvanising a titanic will and determination.

No matter what your fitnes goal, make a start, and where better than with a bodyweights exercise routine? If bodyweight exercises have worked for Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather, Michael Jordan, Matt Furey and Bruce Lee, do you think they might work for you?

Bodyweight exercises are the holy grail of effective and fast strength and fitness training.

To become fitter, stronger and leaner than ever before in your entire life, go to [], and sign up for Stevey's FREE Tips on Bodyweight Exercises For Strength, Stamina and Power!

The Mentality of Physical Activity

An exciting new study came out this week that is sure to add fuel to the debate about cutting physical education from schools. Study after study shows the cognitive benefits of physical activity in school age kids. The new research adds to previous findings in a well-controlled experimental design.

Researchers from the Medical College of Georgia worked with nearly 200 sedentary and overweight kids between the ages of 7 and 11 years old. They divided the kids up into three groups, including a control group that did no physical activity after school, a group that did 20 minutes of vigorous activity after school and another that did 40 minutes of activity. Each of the activity groups worked out 5 days a week for three months.

The kids wore heart monitors to track their activity levels while they played running games like tag, relay races, jump rope, etc. All the kids took cognitive tests for math, reading and executive function (planning, organizing, focusing and impulse control) before they started the program and at its completion.

In the end, the kids in the 40-minute exercise group showed significant improvement on cognitive tests, those in the 20-minute group showed about half the improvement and those in the sedentary group showed no improvement at all. Brain scans supported the results, showing increased activity in brain regions involved in executive function in the activity group kids.

In addition, the kids in both exercise groups showed some improvement in math skills but no groups showed improvement in reading skills. These results are all consistent with other studies done in adults. Previous studies have shown increased grey matter in exercising older adults and increased performance on cognitive tests.

Yet we stand by and allow cutting of PE programs from our schools due to budget constraints. Isn't improvement on test scores one of the major areas that schools are focusing on today? If daily physical activity improves test scores, shouldn't we make it a priority for kids to get that?

In fact a Canadian study showed just that. Those researchers split kids into two groups; half took PE once a day and the other half received extra classroom instruction. Again, the PE group outperformed the non-PE group on tests, even in subjects where the non-PE group was getting extra instruction.

One problem is that 20 years ago, when many of today's parents were kids, we were able to get plenty of unstructured activity after school all by ourselves. Today kids' time is sucked up by an abundance of homework, free access to TV and video games and generally busy schedules. Plus, they just don't have the freedom to run around the neighborhood like we used to.

Last year the American Academy of Pediatricians released a statement encouraging more 'free and unstructured play' in kids. Not only does this get kids the physical activity that they need but it allows them to employ their imagination and build their creativity levels and social skills as well.

If we won't pay for more PE programs in schools, then we have to do something else. We should all strive to get our kids huffing and puffing on a regular basis in activities not always dictated by parents or over-structured sports coaches (of which I'm one).

We have to get them excited about physical activity again by bringing back the fun in it all. We should be begging them to come in before it gets too dark, not begging them to get out and away from the TV.

Cycling Cheap Fun

Cycling is not only a fun and exciting activity but a great form of exercise too.

The many benefits cycling can bring into your life are endless and if you make it a part of your lifestyle you will be pedaling yourself right into retirement. Keeping your body toned, making your heart stronger, increasing blood supply and aiding in weight loss cycling is surely one of the best forms of cardio out there. Best of all it is in-expensive and easy to do no matter if you are twenty years of age or sixty-five and retired. You can still cycle; it's just so darn easy.

I started mountain biking just over a year ago doing off-road trails and a bit of road cycling and I must say these days I can't go without my daily cycle. The refreshment and reward of any form of exercise far out way the effort needed to perform them.

I speak from personal experience and encourage all young and old to take out there old cycles dust them off and hit the road. At first i would recommend going for a leisurely ride twice to three times a week. After you become more comfortable on your rides and with your bike you could push yourself to go a bit further for a bit longer. Health benefits will soon follow and you will be astounded by the subtle transformations of your amazing body. I have seen so much change through leading an active lifestyle that my dream is to spread awareness about being healthy to everyone who is willing to listen.

One of the greatest benefits of cycling outdoors and off-road in my opinion is that it allows you to be outside in our natural element breathing in fresh air, taking in views, spending time with family or friends and letting the sun beat down on your body. Coupled with the adrenaline produced whilst navigating your way through whatever obstacles the terrain has to offer you at any moment.

Hand eye co-ordination is also improved because you have to sometimes make quick decisions which could either end in a fall which could be painful or you could successfully navigate yourself out of harm's way. These kind of quick thinking scenarios really do add an extra extreme feeling to the ride. Be warned a helmet is a great idea.

What are you waiting for go grab your bike and take it for a spin around your block, be sure to do a few stretches first and don't be shy to wear a helmet they really do save lives. Be safe and stay healthy.

Why Most Addiction Treatment Clinics Have It All Wrong

The fact is that Addiction Treatment in America is an embarrassment. What sense does it make to take a person addicted to drugs and put them on another addictive prescribed drug, and pronounce them cured? This is insanity, yet society acquiesces to this on a continuing basis. The few people that speak out about this are shunned by the medical establishment as quacks, yet guess who is getting the last laugh. The success of alternative all-natural treatments is undeniable, but mainstream medicine can't write prescriptions and profit from all-natural cures, so they lambast them instead.

Columbia University did a study about addiction treatment in America, and issued a scathing report. Maybe it will shake the medical community to its core, maybe not. The Chair of CASA Columbia National Advisory Commission on Addiction Treatment, Drew E. Altman, PhD, summed-it up this way: "In homes, doctors' offices, hospitals, schools, prisons, jails and communities across America, misperceptions about addiction are undermining medical care. Although advances in neuroscience, brain imaging and behavioral research clearly show that addiction is a complex brain disease, today the disease of addiction is still often misunderstood as a moral failing, a lack of willpower, a subject of shame and disgust. Addiction affects 16 percent of Americans ages 12 and older--40 million people. That is more than the number of people with heart disease (27 million), diabetes (26 million) or cancer (19 million). Another 32 percent of the population (80 million) uses tobacco, alcohol and other drugs in risky ways that threaten health and safety."

A Better Treatment Approach

The most successful drug treatment protocol is one that includes the Mind, Body and Soul connection. It is these three parts that make up the whole being, the Holistic Sanctuary of the Soul, and hold the key to a lasting cure that will break the cycle of addiction. We must find a way to dig deep into an addict's psyche and determine what were the triggers that set the addictive patterns into motion. Finding the underlying cause, or the root of the problem, is the path to neutralizing it. It must be done from within the addict's mind, they just need the opportunity to open the window and discover what their problems are.

The Body can be healed from just about anything. The use of non-habit forming vitamins, herbs and plant extracts can repair damaged cells in the body, and promote the growth of fresh new cells, without the imprint of addiction on them. Even damaged brain cells can be repaired or replaced by new brain cells. And all without prescription drugs. Sound too good to be true? All of the above is happening right now thanks to the discovery of the "Pouyan Method". Incredibly, before and after Brain Scans of addicts show a remarkable return of brain activity in drug damaged areas of the brain. So this isn't just wishful thinking, this is the real thing!

More About The "Pouyan Method"

The mainstream medical establishment will tell you that there is no cure to Heroin addiction, while at the same time pushing drugs that elongate the addicts cycle. I am here to tell you that Heroin addicts are being cured at The Holistic Sanctuary" in Baja, California on a continuing basis. This is a treatment center that treats addicts like human beings. They are not forced to wash dishes and clean the bathrooms like in other so-called drug treatment centers. Nor are they looked down upon and made to carry the burden of being an outcast of society.

This is a place where multiple holistic therapies are combined, yielding remarkable results. Plants and herbs are used to cleanse the body, and expand the person's awareness of their own psyche. They are constantly monitored and given support throughout the process. I have never seen such a Menu of Therapies available in one location anywhere on the planet. The trained medical personnel can implement those modalities that will best serve the patient on an individual basis.

Imagine every cell in your body being bathed in the freshest, purest Oxygen through the powers of the Hyperbaric Chamber. IV Drips of Amino Acids, Peptides, Nutrients, and others will nourish the body on a cellular level, while Chelation Therapy will remove toxic metals from your body. Perhaps Yoga or Reiki/Chigong/Pranic Healing will be used. Sea Salt Baths are a real treat for the body as well. The point is that they have therapies available that most Physicians know little if anything about.

Body Detoxification Can Come in Many Forms

When we talk about the word detoxification in medical terms it is used as a cleansing of the liver. Liver detoxification is very important, but most of the toxins that reside in our body are stored in our fat cells. Actually, it has been found that the levels of toxins in visceral fat are 500 times more than the blood serum levels of average people. It's clear that liver detoxification is necessary, getting rid of these toxins from our fat will also keep us healthy.

So if most of these toxins are located in our surplus fat, what are the best ways to get rid of them? The most obvious defense is to eliminate as much of this excess fat as we can. Replacing fat with lean muscle mass will, of course eliminate toxin's favorite hiding places. That is of course the ideal, but there are some proven ways to get a body detox that can be done a bit quicker.

We have to actually mobilize the toxins and then eliminate them. There are two main ways to remove them from the body: throughout the skin, which is the largest organ of the body, and elimination through the gastrointestinal track. Of the two we can use the skin as the major organ to eliminate these toxins. Through sun damage many people have seen their skin become inactive. Getting your skin active and alive will be your first step.

Heating the skin with the help of a sauna, or steam heat will enhance the natural metabolic process of the skin. By expanding the blood vessels, circulation will be increased and the tissues will be oxygenated. A sauna combined with an exercise program that makes you sweat will certainly get the fatty areas activated and the toxins mobilize for elimination.

The third highly recommended ingredient for the elimination of fat-laden toxins is the use of niacin, which is the water-soluble B3 vitamin. Often referred to as the niacin flush, it opens the small vessels which flow through the fat cells, and these toxins that are stored in that fatty tissues toxins will be swept away. Many detoxification programs don't seem to even recognize the existence of toxins in fat, and the niacin flush will never be talked about in them.

Niacin could cause some minor discomfort, but it is not considered dangerous at all. It is really just a way of improving blood flow, and when this happens there could be some itching of the skin. But if you use it you should understand that it may bring on some discomfort. One of those can be described as similar to the hot flashes women have been going through menopause. If you're taking niacin in conjunction with exercise, start your workout about 20 minutes after your niacin flush.

Be aware that when you start sweating out these toxins you are also sweating out a lot of minerals in your body. It is important that these are replenished, and coconut water is considered an excellent rehydrator. But by eliminating body toxins you will be healthier and feel better.

The Central Role Of Dieting In Health And Fitness

The current obsession with health and fitness is concentrating on physical activity while neglecting the pivotal role played by proper dieting. To assert that there is a health and fitness craze in society today, is to make an understatement. There are not enough superlatives to describe what is happening in gyms and nutrition classes. Homes are now fitness centers, as people strive to avert diseases and live longer. Considering the prevalence of lifestyle complications like obesity and diabetes, one can understand the fascination with healthful lifestyles. However, the public needs to understand the significance of eating a balanced diet, if personal health and fitness goals will be achieved.

To begin with, food provides the body with the energy it needs to carry out its normal activities. Eating carbohydrates and other sugars in the recommended quantities is important for the body's optimal functioning. All body activities and processes require glucose. A body deprived of this nutrient will be lethargic and ineffective. Physical exercises take a lot of energy from the body. Jogging, running, lifting weights, sit-ups and other aerobic exercises, cannot be accomplished when the body has no strength. It is, therefore, unnecessary to visit the gym when you have eaten nothing. Unless you feed your body with the recommended portions of carbohydrates, all your health and fitness efforts will come to zilch.

Additionally, food builds your body cells and muscles. Cells are the basic units of the organs and fluids that make your body function. You need to eat a lot of proteins to develop your body to the fitness level you deserve. Legumes, milk and meat products are some of the richest sources of proteins. When the body is physically exerted, it undergoes wear and tear. The damaged and exhausted cells need replacement or rejuvenation. Failing to eat well while exercising, is a recipe for further damaging the body's systems, instead of achieving health and fitness goals.

Lastly, diet is important to any health and fitness efforts because the body needs to be protected from diseases. Vitamins and minerals are crucial in strengthening the immune system, and fighting diseases. Physical exercise is desirable, but a sick body has no place in the gym. Sickness can also be aggravated by exercise, especially when the body is weak and incapacitated. Health and fitness goals are only achievable when food is given its primary role. Exercise has its benefits, but it can never replace proper dieting.

Heart Health and Chiropractic Care

Research research found in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research have found a case were a patient with cardiovascular disease risk factors (such as high cholesterol and triglycerides) that has been able to reduce his risk of cardiovascular disease by seeking chiropractic care.

Other risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease include:
Physical inactivity
Unhealthy diets
Too much alcohol consumption
Tobacco exposure

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease includes a number of conditions that can affect the structures or functioning of your heart.

Cardiovascular disease can include:

Heart attack
Coronary artery disease
Arrythmias (or abnormal heart rhythms)
Heart valve disease
Heart failure
Congential heart disease
Cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease)
Pericardial disease
Marfan syndrome
Aorta disease
Vascular disease

In the United States, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. As a result it is important to understand the risk factors, implications of the diseases and treatments.

This research publication indicates that more than 80 million individuals are diagnosed annually with cardiovascular disease. While cardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity worldwide, it is extremely prevalent in the United States as the result of inactive lifestyles and Western diets.

How Chiropractic Care Helps with Cardiovascular Risk Factors:

According to this recent research chiropractic care helps with cardiovascular risk factors. This case includes a 30 year old male, who sought chiropractic care after receiving a diagnosis of high cholesterol and triglycerides by his medical physician. His blood work showed that his triglycerides were 577 mg/dL (the normal range being from 35-150 mg/dL) and his cholesterol level was 246 mg/dL (with the normal range from 130-200 mg/dL). With these numbers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would classify this patient as being at a high risk for developing cardiovascular disease. This patient also reported to his chiropractor that he was experiencing signs and symptoms of gout as well as lower back pain for a duration of six weeks.

His chiropractor performed an examination which consisted of a visual postural evaluation, orthopedic tests, motion and static palpation, neurological tests, paraspinal thermography instrumentation and deep tendon reflexes for upper and lower extremities. Based on the findings of this chiropractor's exam, it was found that spinal subluxations were present. To correct these subluxations, specific chiropractic adjustments occurred twice per week. This patient also included lifestyle modification -- diet and exercise -- with his chiropractic treatment regimen.

When it came time for the patient's second visit, the patient noticed a significant improvement in his symptoms as well as with his other complaints -- less joint pain and lower back pain. The patient also reported that his sleeping patterns and his digestion had improved. Upon consulting his medical physician, the patient was able to discontinue his cholesterol and triglyceride medications.

Five weeks into treatment, this patient found that his blood work was now normal. His blood work showed that his triglycerides were 126 mg/dL (the normal range being from 35-150 mg/dL) and his cholesterol level was 188 mg/dL (with the normal range from 130-200 mg/dL).

Both levels were now within normal limits.This case study suggests that adults with cardiovascular disease may lower their risk factors by seeking chiropractic care as well as modifying their lifestyles to include a healthy diet and increased physical activity. One study indicates chiropractic care can lower your cardiovascular risk factors.

Related Studies:

Several other studies have been conducted that suggest chiropractic care helps with cardiovascular disease risk factors.

One study found that adjustments to patients helped to lower their average heart rates -- in patients who had above average heart rates. This major reasoning behind the thought that chiropractic care can help with cardiovascular disease in this study is that back pain, which chiropractic adjustment can help to relieve, may have caused an increase in heart rate. Research indicates that stress can be contributing to an increased heart rate. Another study investigated that connection between systolic and diastolic blood pressure and anxiety levels.

This study sought to quantify changes after the subjects has received chiropractic care. The results showed that patients were able to reduce their blood pressure as well as their anxiety levels.

5 Tips For Stroke Prevention

More than 700,000 people in the US will suffer from a stroke this year. Yet, current research shows that there are some ways to prevent yourself from experiencing this life-threatening condition.

Eating fish can help reduce your risk of a stroke.

Read below for five ways to reduce your risk now.

1. Eat Fiber

We know that fiber is good for the health of our heart, but researchers also found that people who get their daily dose of fiber in their diet also reduce their risk for stroke. Why? Turns out that fiber fights troublesome health issues that make stroke more likely, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even obesity.

So how much fiber should you get? The recommended daily amount is 25 grams for women and 38 for men. Add fiber slowly to your diet, though, and make sure to add plenty of water, as well. You don't want to experience bloating!

2. Exercise

Is there really a downside to exercising? It helps us loose weight, stay mentally focused and releases serotonin, which makes us feel happy. But researches are also finding that just 20 minutes per day - or 2 hours per week - can significantly reduce your chance of a stroke. In a study with 40,000 women over a 12 year period, women who walked at a moderate pace just 20 minutes per day had a 30 percent decreased incidence of stroke. Women who upped their pace to brisk decreased their risk by 40 percent!

3. Add fish to your diet

Here's another food to bring to the table - fish! This protein has been touted as being able to lower your chances of developing heart disease, but it wasn't until researches looked at 38 studies before they saw the link to stroke. They found that people who ate 2-4 servings a week of oily fish had a 6 percent lower risk of having a stroke or mini-stroke, while those who ate 5 or more servings had a 12% reduction. Interestingly, people who took an omega-3 fish oil supplement didn't receive any benefit.

4. Stop smoking

There's a million reasons to stop smoking, but add one more. Cigarettes can significantly increase your risk of hypertension - one of the main conditions that lead to strokes. Quit now and your risk of a stroke goes down significantly within 2 years and is at the level of nonsmokers within five.

5. Drink in Moderation

Moderate health use is another one of those health tips we hear again and again. Besides the empty calories that alcohol contains, it can also increase your blood pressure and lead to stroke. What is considered moderate drinking? Limiting the number of drinks to no more than 2 per day.

How to Become a Fitness & Nutrition Coach

A fitness and nutrition coach helps people get in shape and learn healthy eating habits. This type of coaching offers the flexibility of working with clients in a sports clinic, health spa or even a private fitness studio. By 2018, jobs in the fitness industry are expected to grow by 29 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Wages, which depend on education and experience, range from $44,000 to $60,000 annually. Fitness and nutrition coaches who work with specialized populations, however, can command higher salaries. 


    • 1
      Get certified. Both the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Council on Exercise offer on-line courses ranging from $300 to $500, including certification exam. One way to save money on certification is have a health club sponsor you in exchange for employment services.
    • 2
      Take college coursework in nutrition and meal planning. Mastering the principles of healthy eating and how body metabolism works provides a solid framework for counseling on healthy eating. It also gives you credibility and knowledge in evaluating diet trends and vitamin supplements.
    • 3
      Affiliate with a health club. Finding clients will be difficult until you establish a reputation. Offer to volunteer your services at a health club in exchange for use of space and equipment. As you build your clientele, you can negotiate a percentage fee with the club or meet clients in a private setting.
    • 4
      Build a portfolio of success stories. Take before-and-after pictures of the clients you helped. Show them diet and exercise plans that worked for others. This will help sell your service and give new and referred clients confidence to work with you.
    • 5
      Consider working with a specialized population. Obese children, senior citizens, diabetics and heart disease sufferers are all examples of specialized populations. Some fitness associations such as the ACSM offer certification in working with these groups. Experienced coaches can command higher fees because fitness and nutrition planning is more complex for these people.

How to Start a Fitness Blog

You can create a web log or online journal about literally any topic of your choosing. Starting a fitness blog can be a way to record your own progress or give readers tips and information to use for their workouts.


    • 1
      Decide what sort of fitness blog you want to start, a personal or informational blog. Many people just want to have menus, thoughts and progress, while others have knowledge and want to share medical and nutritional information with workout plans and tips.
    • 2
      Search online for possible blog host sites. Look at websites like for a low-cost pre-made health and workout journal, or free general sites such as to sign up for an account and start your fitness blog.
    • 3
      Log your daily, weekly, monthly and overall goals. Discuss how you feel about each goal, what you still need to do to achieve it and how you feel once you've accomplished it.
    • 4
      List your workouts. Write about the workout plans you've already tried, what has worked, what hasn't, and what you would like to learn more about in the future. Leave yourself notes and progress reports to keep you motivated.
    • 5
      Take your stats. Blog about your weight, body fat percentage, hours of sleep, resting pulse, measurements, endurance and pounds and inches lost. List your current dumbbell weights used, the number of miles ran or any other workout statistic that can help you track your progress.
    • 6
      Keep track of the food you eat and the water you drink. Most workout plans suggest at least 8 8 oz. glasses of water per day, and if you're heavily training or are an athlete you may need much more than that. Use your blog as a way to track your nutritional facts to stay healthy and fit.
    • 7
      Communicate with other fitness bloggers to give and get new ideas and tips to keep yourself motivated. One of the great things about having a blog is instantly belonging to an Internet community filled with others interested in health and fitness.

How to Sell an Article to a Health and Fitness Magazine

The health and fitness magazine area is a huge market; so they are always looking for articles. You don't even have to be a doctor or physical trainer to have an article accepted by one. All it takes is some research and the proper writing skills to make some money from multiple health and fitness magazines. Follow these steps to learn more.


    • 1
      Choose a health and/or fitness magazine for which you would be interested in writing. Call or visit their website to get access to the writer's guidelines. This will provide you with everything you need to know, from querying the editor to submitting an acceptable article.
    • 2
      Review the editorial calendar if there is one. You may find something which will give you an idea for a great topic. If there is no calendar, review the types of articles they publish.
    • 3
      Buy the magazine for which you would like to write. This will give you an idea of what type of voices and content is generally used in the publication. You should use caution though to make sure you do not make your article to too similar.
    • 4
      Pick a health and fitness topic that you are knowledgable and familiar. Don't pick anything which is too technical if you are not an expert, as it will take you long to do the research and write the article.
    • 5
      Begin the research and writing for the article. Contact a health and fitness expert to get quotes and their point of view on a specific topic. This will give your article credibility.
    • 6
      Revise your article. Make sure there are no spelling or grammar errors. Use a spell-checker and grammar checker and have someone else edit your article for mistakes. Grammar and spell-checkers do not catch all mistakes and often times you do not see mistakes that will be obvious to someone else.
    • 7
      Write up a query letter for approval of the article when you are finished. A query letter is a punchy, irresistible one-page letter proposing an idea for a feature piece. Most of the time it is best to send the query letter after writing, so that you can be specific in your query regarding article length and content.
    • 8
      Submit your article once the editor has given you the go-ahead, then reap the benefits of getting published and paid from a health and fitness magazine!

Hot Sport fitnes

If you sign up at a boxing health and fitness center, you will be granted a teaching method that incorporates a assortment of exercise routines such as stretching, sit-ups, skipping rope, and jogging. This is essential to create up your all round stamina and fitness. You will also be trained on suitable boxing stance and footwork to increase your stability and coordination. Periods of shadowboxing, or punching in front of a mirror, will improve your motor capabilities and muscle memory. Performing rounds with a pace ball will increase your reflexes, even though employing the large punching bag will increase electric power and timing. You will also understand to defend by yourself and block punches.

At some point, you might actually choose to get into the ring with a person. You will not be essential to do this--it is strictly an optional part of the coaching. But if you do enter the ring at some level, don't get worried--it won't be like a professional combat. In simple fact, you will not be combating at all, but simply sparring with a spouse to score factors, equivalent to Olympic boxing and in contrast to skilled prizefighting. You may possibly also be equipped to use additional protecting machines, this kind of as headgear.

Boxing for fitness is a entertaining and relatively safe self-discipline when it is practiced the right way. And it is now open to far more people today than ever prior to. With the acceptance of the movie Million Dollar Newborn, a lot more and more females are acquiring into boxing. It is no for a longer time a activity just for Mike Tyson wannabes, but for everyone who is intrigued in turning out to be stronger, much healthier, and happier.

What do you assume of when you listen to the term "sports fitness"? Do you see soccer people on the discipline, soccer players scuffling more than a ball, a volleyball crew at the seashore, or a tennis match? There is a tendency to understand the expression to imply the sport alone, relatively than a way to remain match.

People engage in sports for certain recreation-relevant causes like entertainment, competitors, or self-satisfaction. Simply because sports contain bodily activity, most fitness authorities and overall health treatment professionals know that sports is 1 way to stay suit and balanced. Sports activities fitness, as opposed to "exercise" or "physical fitness," however, involves building a skill or ability. Sports fitness is an chance for personal development.

Sports activities lovers might be a lot more probable to preserve a nutritious way of life (despite the fact that some would question that assertion) since of the inherent discipline and physical demands. But sports fitness can also suggest weight reduction, much better mobility, better vitality, and a host of the points we use to explain good well being. Sports activities fitness is a character-developing pursuit.

Sports activities do teach people to price their wellbeing. With out wellness, they couldn't retain the electricity and vitality required to participate. Particularly if they are in expert sports, their livelihood might depend on their fitness and well being. Sports fitness is a life-style.

Let's assume, for a minute, that you are a individual who requirements more exercising to get or stay bodily in shape and healthful.

Propolis for Health and Fitness

Ephedra was banned in the US, simply because a variety of folks taking it had heart attacks.

The challenge happens, because most producers are not actually involved about generating a higher excellent item.

Bee pollen diet plan capsules can assist you get rid of weight, increase your energy levels, lessen foods cravings and strengthen your wellness in other approaches. But, they will only present those benefits if you choose a good brand.

Just take the time to find out much more about bee pollen and take a look at my website beneath for additional valuable info about the advantages, its works by using, dosages, precautions and much far more. It will be time effectively spent.

Telling somebody about bees and bee hives in any way can both cause worry or intrigue. Bee produced honey on the other hand brings a sweet smile to most. Several people today worry the sting of any insect, but quite a few really fear a bee sting. Nevertheless there is more to contemplate when it comes to our small pals, specifically when it arrives to overall health and what the bee can do for your well being. Most of us have previously heard about honey and pollen, but there are is one thing else to take into account when thinking about these appealing tiny insects, and that's the Propolis they make which Forever has taken and produced their popular Bee Propolis nutritional supplements.

Propolis is a substance designed by bees who consider resin from specific trees and line their homes (bee hives) with it, as a protective agent, and some scientists claim is more robust than many other habitat, in some instances a bee hive can be a lot more sterile that a hospital operating theatre. When isolated and used in the physique, there are 3 main health rewards, which can be of great gain to your wellbeing and nicely being.

1. The initial major well being advantage is an all all-natural support of the immune process. These solutions, taken everyday, can improve the body's organic defense mechanism in such a way that will have most folks energised. When a person is healthful, and the system is in full overall health, any sicknesses, conditions can be fought off relatively easily.

2. The second main wellness advantage to employing Permanently Bee Propolis solutions relies seriously on the 22 amino acids and B-complex nutritional vitamins that are naturally in the products. These products are tough to get from just eating wholesome, which is why men and women must search into the item. Amino acids help support healthy muscle tissue, and B nutritional vitamins support the system convert food into vitality. They work hand in hand to boost the metabolic rate and enable folks live nutritious lifestyles.

3. Lastly, Forever Bee Propolis products also come fortified with Royal Jelly. This substance from bees consists of vitamins A, C, D, and E and is a potent organic supplement that helps the system in so a lot of ways it really is tricky to list right here. Combining two powerhouse sources derived from bees is a terrific way to get vitamins and minerals into the method.

These are just a sampling of what these mighty products can do. People looking to reside a great nutritious life, will need to have to target on all normal nutritional supplements to enable offset the lack of diet in a lot of food items that they eat on a common foundation.

5 Best healthy Weight Loss Tips

As you look around there are tons of strategies and products for losing weight. Keep in mind that some of the weight loss strategies and products on the market can be harmful to your health, while others don't work at all. It is important that you do your due diligence to research the methods and products before buying into them.

In this article I'm going to give you the best healthy weight loss tips. You will not hear about diet programs or pills here.

Tip #1 - Don't Rush It

When you decide to lose weight today, don't expect to lose pounds tomorrow. You should expect that it will take some time before you see results in your weight loss journey. Taking on a weight loss plan involves some changes in your lifestyle.

Tip #2 - Know the Basic Principle of Weight Loss

You will lose weight naturally when the amount of daily calories burned is more than the daily calories consumed. By knowing this you can develop a meal and workout plan that will shed pounds safely.

Tip #3 - Stay Away From Diet Pills

There is no need to take diet pills. Although diet pills accelerate your metabolism rate allowing you to burn more calories in a day, they can be harmful to your health. You can lose weight without diet pills by adjusting your eating habits and follow an exercise regimen.

Tip #4 - Eat Healthy

It is very true when people say "you are what you eat" and "garbage in, garbage out". Try not to eat artificial and processed foods. Stick with wholesome natural foods and drink adequate amounts of water.

Tip #5 - Keep Moving

Eating healthy is great way to losing weight, but if you want to lose weight quickly and safely as possible, take on an exercise program.

6 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

There are a lot of unhealthy things that people do in order to lose weight. I want to focus more on the healthy things that you can be doing to get the most out of your weight loss journey. Let's take a look at 6 things that will help you with your healthy weight loss.

1 - Don't try to lose too much too quick. It kills me how many people will spend a lifetime getting out of shape, and the a week or a month before a big event, they think they can reverse everything. It doesn't work that way. Set a realistic goal of 2-3 lbs per week. If you lose too much too quick you will end up with more flappy skin than you now what to do with.

2 - Portion Control - As a society we simply eat too much. Plate sizes have gradually been increasing over the years, and we have no problem filling (and emptying) them. Start using smaller plates. If you go out to eat, chances are that they are going to give you way more than you should be eating in one sitting. Ask for a to go container right away and put half of your order in their. Not only will it help your waist line, but now you are getting two meals for the price of one.

3 - Water is Your Best Friends - If there is any "miracle supplement", it is water. A lot of diet pills actually flush out your water, helping you lose weight quickly. That is going to do much more harm than good. Your body needs water, and lots of it in order to function properly. A nice rule is to take half of your weight in pounds and drink that many ounces.

4 - Make Exercise Non Negotiable - If you are serious about losing weight, exercise is a key part of the journey. This is especially true if you are looking for a tone look when you are done, as opposed to being skinny with a bunch of extra skin. When in doubt of what to do, go for a walk. Anything is better than nothing when it comes to exercise, as long as you are being safe.

5 - Get rid of the "white". White bread, rice, and any other grains based products have literally had the good stuff removed, and then they have been bleached to make them white. Why would you eat that? The first ingredient should be whole wheat. I say it again first ingredient should be whole wheat, NOT enriched wheat, or any other variation.

6 - Sleep - This one is simply. Sleep a minimum of 7 hours whenever possible. Your body needs time to recover from the day, let it.

No Time For Healthy?

Time always seems to be working against us especially when it comes to leading a healthier lifestyle. Many people go out to eat or go through the drive through because they simply don't have time. Let's face it, even with these tips you still might find yourself at drive through. For tips on which drive though or restaurants have the healthiest choices check out our dining out guide. We will be reviewing and comparing choices in major chains as well as local places for our Michigan folks. We want to make sure we are thorough so check back every month for a new addition to the list. Back to tips on health on the go:
1- Pre-cut and bag veggies and fruit.
2- Pick a cooking night. Tim and I have Sundays off so we prepare 5 lunches and store them in the fridge so we can grab and go in the morning. Great way to save money on going out for lunch.3-Carry a water bottle. As I have said before water is important so getting in the habit of carrying one on the go will help a lot.
4- Check out meal plans. It's amazing how long it takes to just decide what to make or what to shop for. Some guides not only have a day-to-day recipes but also have a shopping list. This makes it easy to cut down on the time you spend shopping and deciding what to cook.
5- Plan ahead. Even if after thinking about your day tomorrow and deciding that the only option is to eat on the go you can still think of where to go. This helps avoid the, "Well I guess it's Taco Bell cuz it's right here." (Although I do like Taco Bell)
6- Explore pocket sized options to take with you. Things high in fiber and protein helps to combat hunger. A hand full of almonds or a health meal bar can easily slide into a pocket or purse with no refrigeration required.
Most important when planning is to not give up if things are not going well as you implement different strategies. Remember that different things work for different people. Taking your time and implementing changes slowly will help to ensure your success and help you want to continue your new lifestyle change.Evaluate the problem you keep running into and see if there is a better solution. Also keep checking back here for more helpful tips and tricks!

Natural Health Center – Living Well and Learning

Find Natural Health Center(s) in the United States and Canada. At a natural health center, individuals can receive natural healing treatments and can also acquire knowledge about the various natural medicines available today. Whether you’re making your initial trip to a natural health center, or you’ve come back to learn more about innovative healthcare remedies, you are sure to be awed by some of the ancient and latest complementary medicines offered.
For instance, a natural health center is one that promotes preventive medicine and wellness through natural healthcare. Some of the many healing arts services and products that are provided at a natural health center include naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and Oriental medicine, herbal medicine, essential oils and supplements, Bach Flower remedies, chiropractic, and massage therapy, among other related modalities.
A natural health center that offers chiropractic medicine will commonly help patients to learn about and understand the various aspects of the treatment. A normal visit to a chiropractic natural health center entails a brief summary about what chiropractic is; its philosophy, and case-taking of the patient’s health history. Most chiropractic doctors (D.C.) in a natural health center will educate the patient on assorted terms including “dis-ease,” and “subluxation.” In addition to taking an X-ray to assist DCs in locating subluxations of the spine, patients are frequently welcomed back to the natural health center for public education classes to learn more about chiropractic medicine. Sometimes, chiropractic natural health centers offer other services like massage therapy, and natural nutrition consultations.
A natural health center that strictly provides wellness services like massage therapy, aromatherapy and esthetics is appealing to day spa goers who want to look and feel younger and healthier. Massage therapy services at a natural health center and day spa are often combined with essential oils and aromatherapy, herbal wraps and facials. Individuals who frequent natural health centers like this will often find several natural healthcare and skincare products like herbal medicine, vitamins, supplements, lotions and oils.
In an Oriental medicine natural health center, patients will learn about the various techniques and philosophies of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), how acupuncture works, and may be counseled in Chinese herbal medicine nutrition. In some cases, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine may treat patients with moxibustion, cupping, Tai Chi, Tuina (Chinese medical massage), and Qi gong; among other associated methods

Buy Natural Health Supplements – Natural Tonics for Health and Wellness

Buy natural health supplements? When looking to buy natural health supplements and natural tonics for health and wellness, chances are you’ll find your options are limited in local stores. Online, there are many possibilities. However, an important question is — how to know which natural tonics for health and wellness are legitimate ones that provide specific health benefits?
Ideally, vitamin and nutrient requirements would come totally from your diet. The problem is — many people make poor food choices every day. And even with a well-balanced diet, studies find that nutrient values of foods have been declining for decades because of soil depletion.
When looking to buy natural health supplements, leading the list should be the daily vitamin/mineral/nutrient supplement that is the basis of your supplement program. And all daily supplements are not created equal. Two important natural tonics for health and wellness should be considered these:
o High-Quality Daily Vitamin/Mineral/Nutrient Supplements – a daily high-quality, broad-spectrum anti-aging natural supplement helps fill in the dietary gaps that everyone will have. Few persons obtain the minimum recommended servings of 5-9 cups of vegetables and fruits per day, for example, and thus do not obtain the health benefits associated with these vital foods.
And taking one of the cheap one-a-day vitamins is probably a waste of time and money. When considering to buy natural health supplements, vitamins and minerals are just the beginning. The body needs and will use a wide array of anti-aging natural tonics for health and wellness substances — amino acids, antioxidants, bioflavanoids, neuronutrients, herbal extracts, enzymes and other nutrients such as L-Carnosine, alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-Carnitine and so on. And these nutrients must be in the correct proportions to each other based on the latest research.
o Omega 3 Supplements – from heart and brain health to depression treatment to pregnancy health, Omega 3 benefits are too good to ignore if you are interested in health. Three of the top Omega 3 food sources are cold-water fish, grass-fed (not grain-fed) meat and eggs. Omega 3 oils provide DHA and EPA in a natural form that your body can easily assimilate. No conversion is required by the body as is required for flax oil, for example. Most of the clinical studies on Omega 3 benefits are based on fish oils from consuming fish and fish oil supplements.
In addition, other natural tonics for health and wellness to consider when you buy natural health supplements with specific health benefits proven by clinical studies are:
o Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements – the most effective is policosanol which comes from sugar cane. Its cholesterol-lowering abilities are published in over 80 clinical studies, which are more studies than for most prescription drugs. Policosanol significantly lowers total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol without the side affects associated with the statin drugs.
o Arthritis Supplements – there are nutrients that have been shown to reduce inflammation, swelling and stiffness. Aiming to achieve long term pain relief by targeting the cause, not just the arthritis symptoms, should be the goal of arthritis natural tonics for health and wellness.
o Sexual Enhancement Supplements – many sexual problems (and health problems) are related to nutrient deficiencies. In men, for example, men with impotency problems also suffer from cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes or are taking prescription drugs which commonly cause sexual dysfunction problems. Restore your general health and your sexual health will automatically follow.
Is it possible when you buy natural health supplements that you can slow the aging process? Yes! Numerous clinical studies have shown and are still finding the health benefits of many of these nutrients. You can try to come up with your own supplement plan and take many different supplements individually. However, to buy natural health supplements and design your own supplement program is not the best way. It’s easy to end up with a dozen or more individual substances to take daily, which is both a hassle and expensive. And if certain substances are out of balance, they can combine to produce other unwanted compounds that can be harmful.