An Overview of Yoga

Yoga, an ancient art that has been practiced for centuries, became popular in the 1960s with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who popularized Transcendental meditation (TM) in the 1960's. Yoga is the most diversified spiritual practice in the world. Many scholars believe that yoga dates back over 5,000 years to the beginning of human civilization. Scholars believe that yoga grew out of Stone Age Shamanism-because of the cultural similarities between Modern Hinduism and Mehrgarh, a neolithic settlement (in what is now Afghanistan).

Early Yoga and archaic shamanism had much in common as both sought to transcend the human condition. The primary goal of shamanism was to heal members of the community and act as religious mediators. Archaic Yoga was also community oriented, as it attempted to discern the cosmic order through inner vision, then to apply that order to daily living. Later, Yoga evolved into a more inward experience, and Yogis focused on their individual enlightenment and salvation.

There are many different places that offer yoga classes- gyms, wellness centers, even the local YMCA. But you don't have to join a class to practice yoga. It is just as easily done in your home or even at your desk while at work. Yoga can help bring you inner peace when you are stressed out. It can even help relieve the pain of headaches, backaches, and menstrual cramps.

As studies continue to reveal its many health benefits, yoga is taking the world by storm as the new fitness soul mate for workout enthusiasts. Everyone from high powered executives trying to keep a healthy heart to image conscious Hollywood stars and prominent athletes, are turning to yoga to develop balanced, injury-free muscles and spines.

However, yoga does not deal with just the physical. In fact, it is a lot more than just that. Initially, the sole purpose of practicing yoga was to experience spiritual enlightenment. In Sanskrit (the ancient language of India), yoga translates as "yoke" or "union," describing the integration of mind and body to create a greater connection with one's own pure, essential nature.

Hatha yoga is one of six branches; the others include raja, karma, bhakti, jnana, and tantra yoga. Each branch with its unique characteristics and function represents a particular approach to life.

Raja means "royal," and meditation is the focal point of this branch of yoga. This approach involves strict adherence to the eight "limbs" of yoga as outlined by Patanajli in the Yoga Sutras. Also found in many other branches of yoga, these limbs, or stages, follow this order: ethical standards, yama; self-discipline, niyama; posture, asana; breath extension or control, pranayama; sensory withdrawl, pratyahara; concentration, dharana; meditation, dhyana; and ecstasy or final liberation, samadhi.

The next branch is that of karma yoga or the path of service, and none of us can escape this pathway. The principle of karma yoga is that what we experience today is created by our actions in the past. Being aware of this, all of our present efforts become a way to consciously create a future that frees us from being bound by negativity and selfishness. Bhakti yoga describes the path of devotion. Seeing the divine in all of creation, bhakti yoga is a positive way to channel the emotions. The path of bhakti provides us with an opportunity to cultivate acceptance and tolerance for everyone we come into contact with. If we consider bhakti to be the yoga of the heart, then jnana yoga is the yoga of the mind, of wisdom, the path of the sage or scholar. This path requires development of the intellect through the study of the scriptures and texts of the yogic tradition. The jnana yoga approach is considered the most difficult and at the same time the most direct. It involves serious study and will appeal to those who are more intellectually inclined. Probably the most misunderstood or misinterpreted of all the yogas, tantra, the sixth branch, is the pathway of ritual, which includes consecrated sexuality. The key word here is "consecrated," which means to make sacred, to set apart as something holy or hallowed.

One of the most popular schools of yoga practice today is that of Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga literally means "eight limbs". These eight steps (limbs) basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. They serve as a prescription for moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline; they direct attention toward one's health; and they help us to acknowledge the spiritual aspects of our nature.

Although complimentary with most spiritual paths, yoga is not a religion and anyone, regardless or body type, age, experience, or physical abilities, can practice yoga.

Personal Training Fitness Schools in America

Find Personal Training Fitness Schools in the United States and Canada. In less than a year's time, candidates enrolled in personal training fitness schools can earn certification to become a professional personal fitness trainer either for purposes of self improvement, or to coach others to become better physically equipped for overall health and wellness.
General studies in personal training fitness schools involve education in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, pathology, and principles of business. Typically, hands-on instruction in personal training fitness schools entails healthy dietary guidelines, exercise program design, personal training, metabolism and how food fuel is used for energy; supplements, vitamins and minerals; energy balancing, muscle testing and analysis of both upper and lower extremities, and various massage techniques, among others.
While personal training fitness schools vary in course duration, generally many of these health programs are approximately 250 hours in length, and cover CPR and first aid as a basic part of the education.
In general, graduates of personal training fitness schools earn a certificate or diploma of completion; however, they are also eligible to take the NSCA-CPT certification test to become certified personal trainers.
In addition to becoming fitness instructors, successful candidates who have acquired satisfactory education from one of several personal training fitness schools and who have achieved certification, can also work as entrepreneurs in the field and open private aerobic clinics and fitness centers. Additionally, experienced fitness trainers can opt to work at spa resorts, alongside major sports teams or at sporting events, health clubs, or other physical therapy facilities.
Personal trainers and exercise instructors earn a respectful living. In fact, ambitious candidates can earn well over $55,000 annually. So what's stopping you from moving forward with your career aspirations?
If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding personal training fitness schools, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Advantages of Using an Elliptical Machine When Working Out

Using an elliptical machine when working out offers a number of benefits. It provides the user with a low impact way to get a good workout to keep fit, lose weight or improve their cardiovascular health. It's perfect for people who get impact related injuries and aging fitness enthusiasts who may suffer from pain in their joints and tendons. And even those who are rehabilitating themselves from injury, the improved blood circulation helps to speed up recovery. Which is also why many elite athletes use them as well. And besides, the smooth can make exercising and working out much more pleasant and fun.

Elliptical machines are a popular item at local health clubs, but many people will buy one for home use as well as they're very easy to use, requires very little maintenance (if any), and can be easily stored away when not being used. Having a machine at home allows them to get a workout whenever the mood hits them, there's no more getting dressed up and driving down to the gym. The higher end models have a computer control board which easily allows you to set different resistance levels, monitors your heart rate, number of calories expended, etc.

Low Impact Cardiovascular Workouts Creates Less Stress For Your Body

Just about every form of aerobic exercise can help to improve your heart and cardiovascular health. The important thing is to raise your heart rate in order to make it work harder, this helps to strengthen your heart muscle. However, some people find that high impact activity such as jogging is to hard on their bodies, particularly the joints and tendons, and that they're unable to do the workouts regularly.

These types of machines uses a smoother more elliptical movement for a much gentler workout. For instance, many senior citizens and rehab patients find them extremely useful as they can still improve their cardiovascular health and improve fitness levels while minimizing the chance of injury. For those who are at a high risk of impact type of injuries, but want a total body workout, there are different types of machines available that will allow them to obtain maximum results while reducing amount of stress on their body. Many elliptical machines work both the upper and lower body at the same time and can be very efficient.

Elliptical Machines Are Easy To Use

Elliptical machines can be used by virtually anyone regardless of their skill level or age. Once the user begins pedaling they are in complete control. The user sets the resistance level, but the intensity is totally up to you, you can go as hard or easy as you feel like, making it ideal for people who want a great workout without any hassle or inconvenience. You can even do it while watching your favorite TV show, or while watching the kids.

Variety of Workouts

Some machines offer a lower body workout while others have the capability to workout both the lower and upper body simultaneously thus being very efficient and burning more calories, which often means less time spent working out. Some users are only interested in working the muscles in the lower body only therefore, they'll omit the use of the handlebars and focus only on pedaling. Another advantage of an elliptical trainer includes the reversibility of the foot pedals. Switching from backward to forward motions can target different groups of muscles.

Some users prefer to workout lightly only slightly elevating their heart rate. While others prefer a more intense workout and go harder when working out, burning more calories and conditioning and toning as many parts of the body as possible in a shorter period of time. One of the great things about using this type of machine is that it enables users to set their own limits regarding the intensity of their workout.

Losing Weight

Aerobic exercising is an extremely efficient way to increase your metabolism and burn fat to help with managing your weight. When you workout your metabolism is raised and you burn off more calories, however your metabolism can stay elevated and burning off more fat for several hours even after ending your session. Physical activity also suppresses the urge to eat. And while any type of aerobic exercise will do the trick many people find that using an elliptical machine while performing exercises makes the workout more pleasant and end up doing it more often for a longer period of time.

Cardiovascular Health

Maintaining good cardiovascular health is important to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes especially as you grow older. Conditioning and strengthening the heart muscles is a good way to help to maintain good cardiovascular health. Aerobic workouts using an elliptical machine can help to strengthen the heart muscles and minimize the risks of health problems. Senior citizens often find that their bodies can't take the pounding of weight bearing workouts day in and day out and will often use elliptical equipment when working out.

Is an elliptical machine right for you? It's easy enough to find out, just visit the local health club or a sporting goods store and try one out before deciding. If it's something that you and your family will put to use consider getting one for your home. Look for a heavy duty model if you plan to use it frequently, they'll stand up to years of abuse. Also if you plan to store it out of the way when not in use look for one with wheels underneath that can be easily rolled away.

Why Nutrition Is The Key, But Fitness Is Most Important

When you say the word diet what comes to your mind?

The top pick is probably eating the right foods day in and day out. Although this is a great idea, and it's what every bodybuilder or Personal Training enthusiast should be doing, it only addresses one part of the equation.

What is the other part of total fitness & health?

Well, to tell you the truth without this, dieting wouldn't do you any good. This is more important as far as health and well being even more so than having a perfect diet. A planned cardiovascular exercise and weight training program could be the key to your success and continued motivation. When you are working out daily this increases your motivation ten fold.

After you get done with a hard workout are you going to go to the kitchen and have a pint of rocky road ice cream with a piece of cheesecake on the side, I don't think so.

When you put all of that effort into a workout or Personal Training you will obviously want to capitalize on the workout and continue its benefits by eating optimal foods throughout the day. A great idea would be to put a note or poster on your fridge/pantry that says "Is is worth it", or something to that effect. This will really make you think twice before you go into the pantry to grab that box of twinkles and run to the couch to chow them down.

Not only does your exercise affect your belly it also affects your mood. Study after study show that consistent exercise affects your mood in a positive way. Meaning you're gonna be happier every day. Rather than the only thing to look forward to being your daily ritual of eating on the couch you're actually gonna feel good about yourself.

A recent study also showed how even those that eat healthy are still not necessarily if they don't exercise. The main factor in a person's health is if they exercise. You're internal fat can still be at a high level when you visually look thin with a shirt on.

So you can see that dieting is not just what you eat but it is also about working out. If you don't know how to workout effectively or are confused about where to even start consider getting help from a reputable personal trainer or fitness studio.

How to Answer Your Calling

Last June I received a letter from my kids national school saying they had tried to find a part-time music teacher but couldn't find one. As I read the letter I got a very strong feeling to reply and offer my services.

Now even though I've played and loved music all my life, I've never really taught it, although I've taught on many other subjects - communication skills, creativity, accelerated learning, yoga, meditation, team work, peace studies and many other topics. Also my previous teaching/training had been to adults mainly in the corporate world. It was very enjoyable in the most part, paid well but there wasn't much happening there now.

I was about to throw the letter in the bin but something within me whispered "hold on". I could have so easily thrown it in the bin thinking "I'm too busy for that and it certainly won't pay many bills! Let's leave it to someone else to teach the kids about music, I've more important things to do with my time!". That of course would have been my ego's response but my Spirit in its quiet whisper was stronger. And I am so so grateful for that.

I did muster up the courage to put my ego aside and call the Principal of the school and the response was positive. I sent her in some of my ideas and experience and she said she'd think about it. It was two months later before I heard anything and she wanted to give it a go and see what happens.

I offered to deliver two classes from 8.15am to, one for guitar and one for bodhran (Irish drum). Well the response was amazing - there were at least 30 young kids (ages 9 to 13) in the first class, noisy, excited and all over the place!!! So I thought it best to do four classes a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. That was September 2010.

Now it's June 2011 and for the past ten months that's what I've been doing and I'm glad to say I didn't miss one morning teaching these young kids how to play their instruments, how to play together, how to hold a rhythme and other important elements of music education. And also very importantly I believe, I aimed to teach them the importance of nourishing their talents and that to become good at anything takes time, patience, persistence and above all practice. Like a flower who begins as a seed and needs daily nourishment with light, water, nutrition and in time becomes what it was born to become, sharing it's perfume with those who pass its way, talent, unlike what we are often lead to believe, takes time to develop, it's not a quick fix.

Well this morning was the culmination of all our practice - we delivered three mini-concerts in the school - one for parents and two for other school kids. As I directed the kids in their outstanding performance my heart was moved beyond belief. I felt such a feeling of connection with everyone present in what seemed like infinite moments in time, infinite moments of stillness, infinite moments of peace.

It was beautiful, truly and magically beautiful. And in my book, albeit that it is great to be paid for doing this work there really is no amount of money that could surpass the fulfilling feeling I felt in my heart as these kids performed in all three mini-concerts. There really is no need for any of us adults to be concerned about the next generation, they are the wisest yet! It is such an honour to serve them.

As many of the parents came up to me after the concert to shake my hand I was deeply grateful and so glad to have heard the whisper of the universe in that letter one year ago. As Kahlil Gibran (1883-1930) said "When you were born your work was placed in your heart" Sometimes it takes a bit of time and exploring to find it but never give up looking until you discover your treasure!

I'd like to finish this post with a prayer I've written called May We Answer Our Callings

May We Answer Our Callings

May we be aware of how the universe speaks to us

May we take the time to listen, hear and feel her message

May we find the courage within to act on her blessed message

May we realise we don't need to understand her mysterious ways

And May we allow ourselves to be instruments of her divine wisdom

Building Muscle For Strength, Stamina and Explosive Power - Bodyweight Exercises!

If Henry Ford had asked people what they wanted when he decided to build the Model T, they would have told him "faster horses". Thats just the way life is. Often people only really "get" that they "need" something when its shown to them, their friends or neighbours have it, and then life simply starts looking too difficult without it.

This is where the bodyweight exercises comes in. It has proven to be one of the most flexible, adaptable and effective training programs on the planet, and has been adopted by top athletes and warriors for centuries in order to produce the results that made them great, yet its only now reaching broad appeal as it has been revealed as the secret ingredient of great training.

Two things normally need to happen before an undiscovered treasure becomes discovered. One, people need to find out about it, (and now you have) and two, it needs to be validated by movers and shakers, people who know people or are known by people as knowing their stuff - Blink, Malcolm Gladwell.

So, to satisfy social proof, enter Boxing Champion Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather, and basketball Hall of Fame Legend Michael Jordan

"Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather.. hovers within 3 or 4 pounds of his fighting weight at all times by jumping rope, playing basketball, and doing body-weight exercises twice a week."(Mens Health) Probably, the most effective type of fitness training in existence for beginners and professional athletes.

Or consider Michael Jordan. Many of you will be familiar with his story in that he was dropped from his High School Basketball team, because although he had some skills, his coach decided that he didn't have the heart, the elusive X factor that defines real champions.

What a decision! The good news is that Michael took this news like the warrior that he was and decided to reinvent himself as an invincible athlete, and to do this he realised that he needed to get some bodyweight training into his routine, to develop the explosive strength in his legs, that although necessary for everyone who engages in physical activity is absolutely essential for top flight basketball players.

Michael went into his backyard with a spade, and started digging. (While an enormously underrated strength and fitness tool, this isn't it). He knew that to build the type of explosive strength and power that he needed, he would be required to do things that other people just wouldn't do - sound familiar. This is the cornerstone of all success.

He dug a hole, climbed down into it and started springing out of the hole, mimicing the action at the net that would later make him such an incredible player. For a lot of people that's where it would end, but not Michael. After training for a few days, Michael would get out the shovel and climb back down into the hole to make it deeper, making the exercise harder and galvanising a titanic will and determination.

No matter what your fitnes goal, make a start, and where better than with a bodyweights exercise routine? If bodyweight exercises have worked for Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather, Michael Jordan, Matt Furey and Bruce Lee, do you think they might work for you?

Bodyweight exercises are the holy grail of effective and fast strength and fitness training.

To become fitter, stronger and leaner than ever before in your entire life, go to [], and sign up for Stevey's FREE Tips on Bodyweight Exercises For Strength, Stamina and Power!

The Mentality of Physical Activity

An exciting new study came out this week that is sure to add fuel to the debate about cutting physical education from schools. Study after study shows the cognitive benefits of physical activity in school age kids. The new research adds to previous findings in a well-controlled experimental design.

Researchers from the Medical College of Georgia worked with nearly 200 sedentary and overweight kids between the ages of 7 and 11 years old. They divided the kids up into three groups, including a control group that did no physical activity after school, a group that did 20 minutes of vigorous activity after school and another that did 40 minutes of activity. Each of the activity groups worked out 5 days a week for three months.

The kids wore heart monitors to track their activity levels while they played running games like tag, relay races, jump rope, etc. All the kids took cognitive tests for math, reading and executive function (planning, organizing, focusing and impulse control) before they started the program and at its completion.

In the end, the kids in the 40-minute exercise group showed significant improvement on cognitive tests, those in the 20-minute group showed about half the improvement and those in the sedentary group showed no improvement at all. Brain scans supported the results, showing increased activity in brain regions involved in executive function in the activity group kids.

In addition, the kids in both exercise groups showed some improvement in math skills but no groups showed improvement in reading skills. These results are all consistent with other studies done in adults. Previous studies have shown increased grey matter in exercising older adults and increased performance on cognitive tests.

Yet we stand by and allow cutting of PE programs from our schools due to budget constraints. Isn't improvement on test scores one of the major areas that schools are focusing on today? If daily physical activity improves test scores, shouldn't we make it a priority for kids to get that?

In fact a Canadian study showed just that. Those researchers split kids into two groups; half took PE once a day and the other half received extra classroom instruction. Again, the PE group outperformed the non-PE group on tests, even in subjects where the non-PE group was getting extra instruction.

One problem is that 20 years ago, when many of today's parents were kids, we were able to get plenty of unstructured activity after school all by ourselves. Today kids' time is sucked up by an abundance of homework, free access to TV and video games and generally busy schedules. Plus, they just don't have the freedom to run around the neighborhood like we used to.

Last year the American Academy of Pediatricians released a statement encouraging more 'free and unstructured play' in kids. Not only does this get kids the physical activity that they need but it allows them to employ their imagination and build their creativity levels and social skills as well.

If we won't pay for more PE programs in schools, then we have to do something else. We should all strive to get our kids huffing and puffing on a regular basis in activities not always dictated by parents or over-structured sports coaches (of which I'm one).

We have to get them excited about physical activity again by bringing back the fun in it all. We should be begging them to come in before it gets too dark, not begging them to get out and away from the TV.

Cycling Cheap Fun

Cycling is not only a fun and exciting activity but a great form of exercise too.

The many benefits cycling can bring into your life are endless and if you make it a part of your lifestyle you will be pedaling yourself right into retirement. Keeping your body toned, making your heart stronger, increasing blood supply and aiding in weight loss cycling is surely one of the best forms of cardio out there. Best of all it is in-expensive and easy to do no matter if you are twenty years of age or sixty-five and retired. You can still cycle; it's just so darn easy.

I started mountain biking just over a year ago doing off-road trails and a bit of road cycling and I must say these days I can't go without my daily cycle. The refreshment and reward of any form of exercise far out way the effort needed to perform them.

I speak from personal experience and encourage all young and old to take out there old cycles dust them off and hit the road. At first i would recommend going for a leisurely ride twice to three times a week. After you become more comfortable on your rides and with your bike you could push yourself to go a bit further for a bit longer. Health benefits will soon follow and you will be astounded by the subtle transformations of your amazing body. I have seen so much change through leading an active lifestyle that my dream is to spread awareness about being healthy to everyone who is willing to listen.

One of the greatest benefits of cycling outdoors and off-road in my opinion is that it allows you to be outside in our natural element breathing in fresh air, taking in views, spending time with family or friends and letting the sun beat down on your body. Coupled with the adrenaline produced whilst navigating your way through whatever obstacles the terrain has to offer you at any moment.

Hand eye co-ordination is also improved because you have to sometimes make quick decisions which could either end in a fall which could be painful or you could successfully navigate yourself out of harm's way. These kind of quick thinking scenarios really do add an extra extreme feeling to the ride. Be warned a helmet is a great idea.

What are you waiting for go grab your bike and take it for a spin around your block, be sure to do a few stretches first and don't be shy to wear a helmet they really do save lives. Be safe and stay healthy.