5 Best healthy Weight Loss Tips

As you look around there are tons of strategies and products for losing weight. Keep in mind that some of the weight loss strategies and products on the market can be harmful to your health, while others don't work at all. It is important that you do your due diligence to research the methods and products before buying into them.

In this article I'm going to give you the best healthy weight loss tips. You will not hear about diet programs or pills here.

Tip #1 - Don't Rush It

When you decide to lose weight today, don't expect to lose pounds tomorrow. You should expect that it will take some time before you see results in your weight loss journey. Taking on a weight loss plan involves some changes in your lifestyle.

Tip #2 - Know the Basic Principle of Weight Loss

You will lose weight naturally when the amount of daily calories burned is more than the daily calories consumed. By knowing this you can develop a meal and workout plan that will shed pounds safely.

Tip #3 - Stay Away From Diet Pills

There is no need to take diet pills. Although diet pills accelerate your metabolism rate allowing you to burn more calories in a day, they can be harmful to your health. You can lose weight without diet pills by adjusting your eating habits and follow an exercise regimen.

Tip #4 - Eat Healthy

It is very true when people say "you are what you eat" and "garbage in, garbage out". Try not to eat artificial and processed foods. Stick with wholesome natural foods and drink adequate amounts of water.

Tip #5 - Keep Moving

Eating healthy is great way to losing weight, but if you want to lose weight quickly and safely as possible, take on an exercise program.

6 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

There are a lot of unhealthy things that people do in order to lose weight. I want to focus more on the healthy things that you can be doing to get the most out of your weight loss journey. Let's take a look at 6 things that will help you with your healthy weight loss.

1 - Don't try to lose too much too quick. It kills me how many people will spend a lifetime getting out of shape, and the a week or a month before a big event, they think they can reverse everything. It doesn't work that way. Set a realistic goal of 2-3 lbs per week. If you lose too much too quick you will end up with more flappy skin than you now what to do with.

2 - Portion Control - As a society we simply eat too much. Plate sizes have gradually been increasing over the years, and we have no problem filling (and emptying) them. Start using smaller plates. If you go out to eat, chances are that they are going to give you way more than you should be eating in one sitting. Ask for a to go container right away and put half of your order in their. Not only will it help your waist line, but now you are getting two meals for the price of one.

3 - Water is Your Best Friends - If there is any "miracle supplement", it is water. A lot of diet pills actually flush out your water, helping you lose weight quickly. That is going to do much more harm than good. Your body needs water, and lots of it in order to function properly. A nice rule is to take half of your weight in pounds and drink that many ounces.

4 - Make Exercise Non Negotiable - If you are serious about losing weight, exercise is a key part of the journey. This is especially true if you are looking for a tone look when you are done, as opposed to being skinny with a bunch of extra skin. When in doubt of what to do, go for a walk. Anything is better than nothing when it comes to exercise, as long as you are being safe.

5 - Get rid of the "white". White bread, rice, and any other grains based products have literally had the good stuff removed, and then they have been bleached to make them white. Why would you eat that? The first ingredient should be whole wheat. I say it again first ingredient should be whole wheat, NOT enriched wheat, or any other variation.

6 - Sleep - This one is simply. Sleep a minimum of 7 hours whenever possible. Your body needs time to recover from the day, let it.

No Time For Healthy?

Time always seems to be working against us especially when it comes to leading a healthier lifestyle. Many people go out to eat or go through the drive through because they simply don't have time. Let's face it, even with these tips you still might find yourself at drive through. For tips on which drive though or restaurants have the healthiest choices check out our dining out guide. We will be reviewing and comparing choices in major chains as well as local places for our Michigan folks. We want to make sure we are thorough so check back every month for a new addition to the list. Back to tips on health on the go:
1- Pre-cut and bag veggies and fruit.
2- Pick a cooking night. Tim and I have Sundays off so we prepare 5 lunches and store them in the fridge so we can grab and go in the morning. Great way to save money on going out for lunch.3-Carry a water bottle. As I have said before water is important so getting in the habit of carrying one on the go will help a lot.
4- Check out meal plans. It's amazing how long it takes to just decide what to make or what to shop for. Some guides not only have a day-to-day recipes but also have a shopping list. This makes it easy to cut down on the time you spend shopping and deciding what to cook.
5- Plan ahead. Even if after thinking about your day tomorrow and deciding that the only option is to eat on the go you can still think of where to go. This helps avoid the, "Well I guess it's Taco Bell cuz it's right here." (Although I do like Taco Bell)
6- Explore pocket sized options to take with you. Things high in fiber and protein helps to combat hunger. A hand full of almonds or a health meal bar can easily slide into a pocket or purse with no refrigeration required.
Most important when planning is to not give up if things are not going well as you implement different strategies. Remember that different things work for different people. Taking your time and implementing changes slowly will help to ensure your success and help you want to continue your new lifestyle change.Evaluate the problem you keep running into and see if there is a better solution. Also keep checking back here for more helpful tips and tricks!

Natural Health Center – Living Well and Learning

Find Natural Health Center(s) in the United States and Canada. At a natural health center, individuals can receive natural healing treatments and can also acquire knowledge about the various natural medicines available today. Whether you’re making your initial trip to a natural health center, or you’ve come back to learn more about innovative healthcare remedies, you are sure to be awed by some of the ancient and latest complementary medicines offered.
For instance, a natural health center is one that promotes preventive medicine and wellness through natural healthcare. Some of the many healing arts services and products that are provided at a natural health center include naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and Oriental medicine, herbal medicine, essential oils and supplements, Bach Flower remedies, chiropractic, and massage therapy, among other related modalities.
A natural health center that offers chiropractic medicine will commonly help patients to learn about and understand the various aspects of the treatment. A normal visit to a chiropractic natural health center entails a brief summary about what chiropractic is; its philosophy, and case-taking of the patient’s health history. Most chiropractic doctors (D.C.) in a natural health center will educate the patient on assorted terms including “dis-ease,” and “subluxation.” In addition to taking an X-ray to assist DCs in locating subluxations of the spine, patients are frequently welcomed back to the natural health center for public education classes to learn more about chiropractic medicine. Sometimes, chiropractic natural health centers offer other services like massage therapy, and natural nutrition consultations.
A natural health center that strictly provides wellness services like massage therapy, aromatherapy and esthetics is appealing to day spa goers who want to look and feel younger and healthier. Massage therapy services at a natural health center and day spa are often combined with essential oils and aromatherapy, herbal wraps and facials. Individuals who frequent natural health centers like this will often find several natural healthcare and skincare products like herbal medicine, vitamins, supplements, lotions and oils.
In an Oriental medicine natural health center, patients will learn about the various techniques and philosophies of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), how acupuncture works, and may be counseled in Chinese herbal medicine nutrition. In some cases, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine may treat patients with moxibustion, cupping, Tai Chi, Tuina (Chinese medical massage), and Qi gong; among other associated methods

Buy Natural Health Supplements – Natural Tonics for Health and Wellness

Buy natural health supplements? When looking to buy natural health supplements and natural tonics for health and wellness, chances are you’ll find your options are limited in local stores. Online, there are many possibilities. However, an important question is — how to know which natural tonics for health and wellness are legitimate ones that provide specific health benefits?
Ideally, vitamin and nutrient requirements would come totally from your diet. The problem is — many people make poor food choices every day. And even with a well-balanced diet, studies find that nutrient values of foods have been declining for decades because of soil depletion.
When looking to buy natural health supplements, leading the list should be the daily vitamin/mineral/nutrient supplement that is the basis of your supplement program. And all daily supplements are not created equal. Two important natural tonics for health and wellness should be considered these:
o High-Quality Daily Vitamin/Mineral/Nutrient Supplements – a daily high-quality, broad-spectrum anti-aging natural supplement helps fill in the dietary gaps that everyone will have. Few persons obtain the minimum recommended servings of 5-9 cups of vegetables and fruits per day, for example, and thus do not obtain the health benefits associated with these vital foods.
And taking one of the cheap one-a-day vitamins is probably a waste of time and money. When considering to buy natural health supplements, vitamins and minerals are just the beginning. The body needs and will use a wide array of anti-aging natural tonics for health and wellness substances — amino acids, antioxidants, bioflavanoids, neuronutrients, herbal extracts, enzymes and other nutrients such as L-Carnosine, alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-Carnitine and so on. And these nutrients must be in the correct proportions to each other based on the latest research.
o Omega 3 Supplements – from heart and brain health to depression treatment to pregnancy health, Omega 3 benefits are too good to ignore if you are interested in health. Three of the top Omega 3 food sources are cold-water fish, grass-fed (not grain-fed) meat and eggs. Omega 3 oils provide DHA and EPA in a natural form that your body can easily assimilate. No conversion is required by the body as is required for flax oil, for example. Most of the clinical studies on Omega 3 benefits are based on fish oils from consuming fish and fish oil supplements.
In addition, other natural tonics for health and wellness to consider when you buy natural health supplements with specific health benefits proven by clinical studies are:
o Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements – the most effective is policosanol which comes from sugar cane. Its cholesterol-lowering abilities are published in over 80 clinical studies, which are more studies than for most prescription drugs. Policosanol significantly lowers total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol without the side affects associated with the statin drugs.
o Arthritis Supplements – there are nutrients that have been shown to reduce inflammation, swelling and stiffness. Aiming to achieve long term pain relief by targeting the cause, not just the arthritis symptoms, should be the goal of arthritis natural tonics for health and wellness.
o Sexual Enhancement Supplements – many sexual problems (and health problems) are related to nutrient deficiencies. In men, for example, men with impotency problems also suffer from cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes or are taking prescription drugs which commonly cause sexual dysfunction problems. Restore your general health and your sexual health will automatically follow.
Is it possible when you buy natural health supplements that you can slow the aging process? Yes! Numerous clinical studies have shown and are still finding the health benefits of many of these nutrients. You can try to come up with your own supplement plan and take many different supplements individually. However, to buy natural health supplements and design your own supplement program is not the best way. It’s easy to end up with a dozen or more individual substances to take daily, which is both a hassle and expensive. And if certain substances are out of balance, they can combine to produce other unwanted compounds that can be harmful.