Why Most Addiction Treatment Clinics Have It All Wrong

The fact is that Addiction Treatment in America is an embarrassment. What sense does it make to take a person addicted to drugs and put them on another addictive prescribed drug, and pronounce them cured? This is insanity, yet society acquiesces to this on a continuing basis. The few people that speak out about this are shunned by the medical establishment as quacks, yet guess who is getting the last laugh. The success of alternative all-natural treatments is undeniable, but mainstream medicine can't write prescriptions and profit from all-natural cures, so they lambast them instead.

Columbia University did a study about addiction treatment in America, and issued a scathing report. Maybe it will shake the medical community to its core, maybe not. The Chair of CASA Columbia National Advisory Commission on Addiction Treatment, Drew E. Altman, PhD, summed-it up this way: "In homes, doctors' offices, hospitals, schools, prisons, jails and communities across America, misperceptions about addiction are undermining medical care. Although advances in neuroscience, brain imaging and behavioral research clearly show that addiction is a complex brain disease, today the disease of addiction is still often misunderstood as a moral failing, a lack of willpower, a subject of shame and disgust. Addiction affects 16 percent of Americans ages 12 and older--40 million people. That is more than the number of people with heart disease (27 million), diabetes (26 million) or cancer (19 million). Another 32 percent of the population (80 million) uses tobacco, alcohol and other drugs in risky ways that threaten health and safety."

A Better Treatment Approach

The most successful drug treatment protocol is one that includes the Mind, Body and Soul connection. It is these three parts that make up the whole being, the Holistic Sanctuary of the Soul, and hold the key to a lasting cure that will break the cycle of addiction. We must find a way to dig deep into an addict's psyche and determine what were the triggers that set the addictive patterns into motion. Finding the underlying cause, or the root of the problem, is the path to neutralizing it. It must be done from within the addict's mind, they just need the opportunity to open the window and discover what their problems are.

The Body can be healed from just about anything. The use of non-habit forming vitamins, herbs and plant extracts can repair damaged cells in the body, and promote the growth of fresh new cells, without the imprint of addiction on them. Even damaged brain cells can be repaired or replaced by new brain cells. And all without prescription drugs. Sound too good to be true? All of the above is happening right now thanks to the discovery of the "Pouyan Method". Incredibly, before and after Brain Scans of addicts show a remarkable return of brain activity in drug damaged areas of the brain. So this isn't just wishful thinking, this is the real thing!

More About The "Pouyan Method"

The mainstream medical establishment will tell you that there is no cure to Heroin addiction, while at the same time pushing drugs that elongate the addicts cycle. I am here to tell you that Heroin addicts are being cured at The Holistic Sanctuary" in Baja, California on a continuing basis. This is a treatment center that treats addicts like human beings. They are not forced to wash dishes and clean the bathrooms like in other so-called drug treatment centers. Nor are they looked down upon and made to carry the burden of being an outcast of society.

This is a place where multiple holistic therapies are combined, yielding remarkable results. Plants and herbs are used to cleanse the body, and expand the person's awareness of their own psyche. They are constantly monitored and given support throughout the process. I have never seen such a Menu of Therapies available in one location anywhere on the planet. The trained medical personnel can implement those modalities that will best serve the patient on an individual basis.

Imagine every cell in your body being bathed in the freshest, purest Oxygen through the powers of the Hyperbaric Chamber. IV Drips of Amino Acids, Peptides, Nutrients, and others will nourish the body on a cellular level, while Chelation Therapy will remove toxic metals from your body. Perhaps Yoga or Reiki/Chigong/Pranic Healing will be used. Sea Salt Baths are a real treat for the body as well. The point is that they have therapies available that most Physicians know little if anything about.

Body Detoxification Can Come in Many Forms

When we talk about the word detoxification in medical terms it is used as a cleansing of the liver. Liver detoxification is very important, but most of the toxins that reside in our body are stored in our fat cells. Actually, it has been found that the levels of toxins in visceral fat are 500 times more than the blood serum levels of average people. It's clear that liver detoxification is necessary, getting rid of these toxins from our fat will also keep us healthy.

So if most of these toxins are located in our surplus fat, what are the best ways to get rid of them? The most obvious defense is to eliminate as much of this excess fat as we can. Replacing fat with lean muscle mass will, of course eliminate toxin's favorite hiding places. That is of course the ideal, but there are some proven ways to get a body detox that can be done a bit quicker.

We have to actually mobilize the toxins and then eliminate them. There are two main ways to remove them from the body: throughout the skin, which is the largest organ of the body, and elimination through the gastrointestinal track. Of the two we can use the skin as the major organ to eliminate these toxins. Through sun damage many people have seen their skin become inactive. Getting your skin active and alive will be your first step.

Heating the skin with the help of a sauna, or steam heat will enhance the natural metabolic process of the skin. By expanding the blood vessels, circulation will be increased and the tissues will be oxygenated. A sauna combined with an exercise program that makes you sweat will certainly get the fatty areas activated and the toxins mobilize for elimination.

The third highly recommended ingredient for the elimination of fat-laden toxins is the use of niacin, which is the water-soluble B3 vitamin. Often referred to as the niacin flush, it opens the small vessels which flow through the fat cells, and these toxins that are stored in that fatty tissues toxins will be swept away. Many detoxification programs don't seem to even recognize the existence of toxins in fat, and the niacin flush will never be talked about in them.

Niacin could cause some minor discomfort, but it is not considered dangerous at all. It is really just a way of improving blood flow, and when this happens there could be some itching of the skin. But if you use it you should understand that it may bring on some discomfort. One of those can be described as similar to the hot flashes women have been going through menopause. If you're taking niacin in conjunction with exercise, start your workout about 20 minutes after your niacin flush.

Be aware that when you start sweating out these toxins you are also sweating out a lot of minerals in your body. It is important that these are replenished, and coconut water is considered an excellent rehydrator. But by eliminating body toxins you will be healthier and feel better.

The Central Role Of Dieting In Health And Fitness

The current obsession with health and fitness is concentrating on physical activity while neglecting the pivotal role played by proper dieting. To assert that there is a health and fitness craze in society today, is to make an understatement. There are not enough superlatives to describe what is happening in gyms and nutrition classes. Homes are now fitness centers, as people strive to avert diseases and live longer. Considering the prevalence of lifestyle complications like obesity and diabetes, one can understand the fascination with healthful lifestyles. However, the public needs to understand the significance of eating a balanced diet, if personal health and fitness goals will be achieved.

To begin with, food provides the body with the energy it needs to carry out its normal activities. Eating carbohydrates and other sugars in the recommended quantities is important for the body's optimal functioning. All body activities and processes require glucose. A body deprived of this nutrient will be lethargic and ineffective. Physical exercises take a lot of energy from the body. Jogging, running, lifting weights, sit-ups and other aerobic exercises, cannot be accomplished when the body has no strength. It is, therefore, unnecessary to visit the gym when you have eaten nothing. Unless you feed your body with the recommended portions of carbohydrates, all your health and fitness efforts will come to zilch.

Additionally, food builds your body cells and muscles. Cells are the basic units of the organs and fluids that make your body function. You need to eat a lot of proteins to develop your body to the fitness level you deserve. Legumes, milk and meat products are some of the richest sources of proteins. When the body is physically exerted, it undergoes wear and tear. The damaged and exhausted cells need replacement or rejuvenation. Failing to eat well while exercising, is a recipe for further damaging the body's systems, instead of achieving health and fitness goals.

Lastly, diet is important to any health and fitness efforts because the body needs to be protected from diseases. Vitamins and minerals are crucial in strengthening the immune system, and fighting diseases. Physical exercise is desirable, but a sick body has no place in the gym. Sickness can also be aggravated by exercise, especially when the body is weak and incapacitated. Health and fitness goals are only achievable when food is given its primary role. Exercise has its benefits, but it can never replace proper dieting.

Heart Health and Chiropractic Care

Research research found in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research have found a case were a patient with cardiovascular disease risk factors (such as high cholesterol and triglycerides) that has been able to reduce his risk of cardiovascular disease by seeking chiropractic care.

Other risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease include:
Physical inactivity
Unhealthy diets
Too much alcohol consumption
Tobacco exposure

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease includes a number of conditions that can affect the structures or functioning of your heart.

Cardiovascular disease can include:

Heart attack
Coronary artery disease
Arrythmias (or abnormal heart rhythms)
Heart valve disease
Heart failure
Congential heart disease
Cardiomyopathy (heart muscle disease)
Pericardial disease
Marfan syndrome
Aorta disease
Vascular disease

In the United States, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. As a result it is important to understand the risk factors, implications of the diseases and treatments.

This research publication indicates that more than 80 million individuals are diagnosed annually with cardiovascular disease. While cardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity worldwide, it is extremely prevalent in the United States as the result of inactive lifestyles and Western diets.

How Chiropractic Care Helps with Cardiovascular Risk Factors:

According to this recent research chiropractic care helps with cardiovascular risk factors. This case includes a 30 year old male, who sought chiropractic care after receiving a diagnosis of high cholesterol and triglycerides by his medical physician. His blood work showed that his triglycerides were 577 mg/dL (the normal range being from 35-150 mg/dL) and his cholesterol level was 246 mg/dL (with the normal range from 130-200 mg/dL). With these numbers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would classify this patient as being at a high risk for developing cardiovascular disease. This patient also reported to his chiropractor that he was experiencing signs and symptoms of gout as well as lower back pain for a duration of six weeks.

His chiropractor performed an examination which consisted of a visual postural evaluation, orthopedic tests, motion and static palpation, neurological tests, paraspinal thermography instrumentation and deep tendon reflexes for upper and lower extremities. Based on the findings of this chiropractor's exam, it was found that spinal subluxations were present. To correct these subluxations, specific chiropractic adjustments occurred twice per week. This patient also included lifestyle modification -- diet and exercise -- with his chiropractic treatment regimen.

When it came time for the patient's second visit, the patient noticed a significant improvement in his symptoms as well as with his other complaints -- less joint pain and lower back pain. The patient also reported that his sleeping patterns and his digestion had improved. Upon consulting his medical physician, the patient was able to discontinue his cholesterol and triglyceride medications.

Five weeks into treatment, this patient found that his blood work was now normal. His blood work showed that his triglycerides were 126 mg/dL (the normal range being from 35-150 mg/dL) and his cholesterol level was 188 mg/dL (with the normal range from 130-200 mg/dL).

Both levels were now within normal limits.This case study suggests that adults with cardiovascular disease may lower their risk factors by seeking chiropractic care as well as modifying their lifestyles to include a healthy diet and increased physical activity. One study indicates chiropractic care can lower your cardiovascular risk factors.

Related Studies:

Several other studies have been conducted that suggest chiropractic care helps with cardiovascular disease risk factors.

One study found that adjustments to patients helped to lower their average heart rates -- in patients who had above average heart rates. This major reasoning behind the thought that chiropractic care can help with cardiovascular disease in this study is that back pain, which chiropractic adjustment can help to relieve, may have caused an increase in heart rate. Research indicates that stress can be contributing to an increased heart rate. Another study investigated that connection between systolic and diastolic blood pressure and anxiety levels.

This study sought to quantify changes after the subjects has received chiropractic care. The results showed that patients were able to reduce their blood pressure as well as their anxiety levels.

5 Tips For Stroke Prevention

More than 700,000 people in the US will suffer from a stroke this year. Yet, current research shows that there are some ways to prevent yourself from experiencing this life-threatening condition.

Eating fish can help reduce your risk of a stroke.

Read below for five ways to reduce your risk now.

1. Eat Fiber

We know that fiber is good for the health of our heart, but researchers also found that people who get their daily dose of fiber in their diet also reduce their risk for stroke. Why? Turns out that fiber fights troublesome health issues that make stroke more likely, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even obesity.

So how much fiber should you get? The recommended daily amount is 25 grams for women and 38 for men. Add fiber slowly to your diet, though, and make sure to add plenty of water, as well. You don't want to experience bloating!

2. Exercise

Is there really a downside to exercising? It helps us loose weight, stay mentally focused and releases serotonin, which makes us feel happy. But researches are also finding that just 20 minutes per day - or 2 hours per week - can significantly reduce your chance of a stroke. In a study with 40,000 women over a 12 year period, women who walked at a moderate pace just 20 minutes per day had a 30 percent decreased incidence of stroke. Women who upped their pace to brisk decreased their risk by 40 percent!

3. Add fish to your diet

Here's another food to bring to the table - fish! This protein has been touted as being able to lower your chances of developing heart disease, but it wasn't until researches looked at 38 studies before they saw the link to stroke. They found that people who ate 2-4 servings a week of oily fish had a 6 percent lower risk of having a stroke or mini-stroke, while those who ate 5 or more servings had a 12% reduction. Interestingly, people who took an omega-3 fish oil supplement didn't receive any benefit.

4. Stop smoking

There's a million reasons to stop smoking, but add one more. Cigarettes can significantly increase your risk of hypertension - one of the main conditions that lead to strokes. Quit now and your risk of a stroke goes down significantly within 2 years and is at the level of nonsmokers within five.

5. Drink in Moderation

Moderate health use is another one of those health tips we hear again and again. Besides the empty calories that alcohol contains, it can also increase your blood pressure and lead to stroke. What is considered moderate drinking? Limiting the number of drinks to no more than 2 per day.